About Us
The Vedanta Center of Greater Austin (VCGA) is dedicated to the learning and practice of Vedanta, in light of the lives and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda. Though a private center, it is under the supervision of the Vedanta Society of Southern California located in Hollywood, CA.
VCGA was founded through the efforts of Swami Swahananda (1921-2012), former minister and spiritual leader of the Vedanta Society of Southern California. A disciple of Swami Vijnanananda (who was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna), Swami Swahananda was a widely loved and respected senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order of India. He inaugurated this center during his last visit to Austin in October 2012.
The current spiritual adviser of VCGA is Swami Sarvadevananda, the minister of the Vedanta Society of Southern California. The Swami is a disciple of Swami Shankarananda, the seventh president of the Ramakrishna Order.
While there is no resident minister at this center, from time to time ministers from different Vedanta centers and societies visit the center and hold retreats, deliver lectures and hold informal discussion sessions. Occasionally, guest speakers from other spiritual traditions also conduct programs.
This Center does not offer training for meditation and yoga. The retreats offered by Swamis containing pranayama, lectures & practices regarding yoga, meditation etc. must be performed under the guidance of an experienced teacher to avoid any physical or mental injuries. The center is not liable for any member undertaking any Swami’s instruction without the guidance of an experienced licensed teacher.