
Monetary contributions towards running the center will be gratefully accepted. The Vedanta Center of Greater Austin is a non-profit religious organization and is funded entirely by generous donations from members and supporters. Donations are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS tax code.

Donations by Mail

Donations and pledges may be mailed to the address given below or placed in the donation-box at the center.

The mailing address of the center is:

Vedanta Center of Greater Austin
13508 Broadmeade Ave.
Austin, Texas 78729

Online Donations via PayPal

To make a donation easily and securely online using your debit/credit card or bank account, please choose one of the options below. A PayPal window will open in your browser, and you can then enter the amount you wish to donate. Thank you!

Donations via PayPal Giving Fund (recommended)

PayPal Giving Fund does not charge any fees so your full donation amount reaches us if you use this option:

Donations via regular PayPal

If you do not wish to create a PayPal account, you can donate directly. Please note that PayPal will deduct a transaction fee before sending us the funds if you use this option: